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दर्द से मुक्त जीवन पाया
मेरा नाम श्रीमती जया राखेचा है । मैं न्यू राजेंद्र पैलेस, दिल्ली से हूँ । मैं उच्च न्यायालय में अधिवक्ता के पद पर कार्यरत हूँ । मैं पिछले कुछ सालों से विभिन्न प्रकार के समस्याओं से गुजर रही थी । मैं आर्थाईट्स, कब्ज, जोड़ो के दर्द और त्वचा रोग से बहुत परेशान थी । फिर मुझे अध्यात्म साधना केंद्र में सात दिवसीय शिविर के बारे में पता चला। मैंने अविलंब शिविर में भाग लिया। यहां पर नियमित दिनचर्या और उचित जीवन शैली तथा प्रेक्षा ध्यान से मैंने अपने तनाव को कम किया। योग और नेचुरोपैथी से अर्थराइटिस के साथ त्वचा रोग की समस्या से मुक्ति पाई। अपने भीतर हुए इस बदलाव के लिए,मैं साधना केंद्र की आभारी हूँ ।
- श्रीमती जया राखेचा
घुटनों में दर्द व बढ़े हुए वजन में पाया आराम |
मैं काफी समय से घुटनों की समस्या व बढ़े हुए वजन से परेशान थे। डॉक्टर्स ने वजन कम करने की ओर घुटनो के जल्द से जल्द आपरेशन करवाने की सलाह दी हुई थी। मैंने प्रेक्षा ध्यान शिविर में भाग लिया और यहाँ करवाये गए सभी प्रयोगों को बहुत अच्छे से किया। योग और प्राकृतिक चिक्तिसा से मुझे अपनी समस्या में 60 से 70 परसेंट का आराम अनुभव हुआ और सात दिन में 4 किलो के करीब वजन भी कम किया जो कि पिछले कई सालों से कम ही नही हो रहा था। अपने भीतर हुए इस बदलाव के लिए मैं साधना केंद्र का आभारी हूँ।- Ratan Lal Jain
Got noticable releif from B.P, stress and pain. I could attain knowledge about how various organs get effected and how can they be cared and cured. My B.P is normal now. I give full credit to ASK team that combined yoga, diet and naturopathy to get me quick and amazing results.
-Avanit Kumar, Delhi Janakpuri
I was suffering with severe knee and back pain and could experience instant relief through naturopathy and yoga. Thanks to ASK team.
- Jyoti Jana, Guwahati
I suffred with heart ailments & had a heart attack some time back. Significant relief was observed by me through meditation.
- Ajit Kumar Jana, Guwahati, Assam
I felt mental peace and stability of mind. My body problems like joint pain and overweight were reduced significantly. ASK team is dedicated and hardworking, they supported me a lot to achieve my health goals.
- Sushan Chander
My diabetes level reduced every day and reached normal just on 3 rd day. I feel relaxed and comfortable.
-Vineet Mahipal, Greater Noida West
After getting peace & stability of mind I felt improvement in diabetes and anxiety. The trainers helped me to regain confidence.
-Rajni Sawhney, Ghaziabad UP
Recently, I attended the camp with guidance of Sh. K. C. Jain Sir and felt extremely energetic n rejuvenated. It is really a life changing experience and I feel initially one has to have patience for 2or 3 days to adjust to holistic environment and thereafter one starts feel change internally with ease. This is scientific Holistic Approach to heal the Mind, Body & Soul. Preksha Dhyan along with Yoga & Pranayam takes you to another level of spirituality or awareness. It works on inner level and person gets automatic benefits on physical problems like CHD, BP, Sugar, etc. I personally witnessed such changes in people where sugar levels climbed down from 450 to 150 within five days. Sh. K.C. Sir guidance and Counselling and Scientific approach of the entire process is excellent.
- Aman Jain, IOFS 2009
What a wonderful experience! He captured my imagination. I’m looking forward for my 10-day retreat. It was all mind boggling. We realise everyday how little we know.
- Raymond Vokwana Director, Armscore
I attended the 7-day residential Preksha Meditation Camp with my wife. I must say that the experience exceeded my expectation. This unforgettable spiritual retreat is nestled in a beautiful setting, away from the busy city life in Chhatarpur. From spiritual upliftment to yoga, the camp was comprehensive and directed us to be a better and stronger self. The teachers of the event, under the leadership of KC Jain sir, were extremely talented and friendly and gave a personal touch to every individual. My wife and I extend our gratitude to KC Jain Sir and the whole Preksha Meditation team for making us feel at home. I shall definitely visit in the near future with the rest of my family.
- Deepshree and Anupam Malloo
“Very good, exciting and sensible understanding for each and everything related to our daily routine and guidelines on how to live and what to eat for healthy life.”
- Anurag Tripathi (HFCL Ltd.)
“Lifetime of experience in just three days, never thought basic life saving techniques or processes that can be achieved simply by breathing properly, that can rejuvenate, energise and detoxify body. Diet plans were good & practical to follow. All Doctors and trainers were good and exemplary in their profile. Overall, it is a marvelous and amazingly life evolving programme which I strongly recommend for all”. Good Luck Adhyatm Sadhana Kendra !
- Priyanka Pandey [HFCL Ltd. (Spouse of Gaurav Sharma)
“I feel blessed to get such a wonderful opportunity which helped me detoxify and get over from my regular gastric issue. Lectures conducted by entire faculty were amazingly good. Trainers are thorough with their domain with some soul/divine connect that makes you hold during the meditation session.”
-Gaurav Sharma (HFCL)
“Diet given was excellent, Pragya pey, Shodhak pey, Ojas pey were soothing, energizing herbal concoctions given during breaks. Jal neti, Eye yoga were remarkable and Naturopathy treatments were great. I feel very light and energetic and conscious about what to eat.”
- Oberoy JK (HFCL Ltd.)
“Change life by changing lifestyle” the Mool mantra I got by attending this camp was very good for positive thoughts and detoxification of body and mind. Very skilled doctors and trainers
- Amit Saxena (HFCL)
“The experience was truly enriching. The entire team was warm and ever willing to help and train right throughout the sessions starting at 5 AM and ending at 9 PM, they were always meticulously perfect. The Meditation sessions were an eye opener, Lectures on Diet and Nutrition were a rich source of Information on Foods that harm and Foods that heal. Lectures on mind and body connect made me aware of the body processes and systems which were first of its kind. The Food was Excellent. Thanks to the Chef.
- Rajneesh Kant Maleyvar (HFCL)
“As a life changing experience, as per the statement that precaution is better than cure stand with this holistic approach. Thank you team for trying to align our lives.”
- Shitiz Arora (Haldiram Group)
“I am experiencing this kind of camp for the first time, I have learnt a lot from here which will be totally beneficial for me and also learnt to correct my habits in my daily life. Diet and Naturopathy was very good. Pranayam and meditation sessions helped me correct my mistakes and made me learn to absorb good things or truths without loosing inner balance”. A big Thanks to the entire team of Adhyatm Sadhana Kendra”
- Neha Singh (Haldiram Group)
ऐसा लगा कि मानो मेरा शरीर हवा में ऊपर उठ रहा है मैं, उत्कर्ष जैन (नाम परिवर्तित), उम्र 19 वर्ष, दिनांक 7 नवंबर से 12 नवंबर 2021 तक अध्यात्म साधना केंद्र के छः दिवसीय प्रेक्षाध्यान स्वास्थ्य शिविर में भाग हेतु आया । मुझे श्वास संबंधी समस्या तथा बहुत ही डिप्रेशन था । कभी-कभी डिप्रेशन के दौरे पड़ते थे जिससे शांत होने में काफी वक्त लगता था । एक बार तो ऐसी स्थिति बन गई कि मुझे अपने हाथों से चाकू लेकर आत्मघात तक करने की इच्छा हुई, जिस पर बड़ी मुश्किल से नियंत्रण कर पाया । मुझे पिछले 4 महीने से कान में भी समस्याएं थी जो ब्लॉक हो जाता था । डॉक्टर से मिलने के बाद भी इन समस्याओं का कोई ठीक समाधान नहीं मिल पा रहा था । मुझे मुनि श्री के द्वारा साधना केंद्र जाने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया । मेरे पिताजी ने और मैंने श्री केसी जैन साहब से टेलीफोन पर बात की और अपनी समस्या बताई । उन्होंने मुझे आश्वासन दिया कि इसका निश्चित रूप से समाधान केंद्र के कैंप में हो सकेगा । इसलिए मैं अध्यात्म साधना केंद्र छः दिवासीय कैंप में भाग लेने आया और अपनी सारी समस्याओं को यहां के प्रशिक्षकों को बताया । यहां कैंप के तीसरे दिन ही तनाव में काफी राहत महसूस हुई । चौथे दिन गहरा कायोत्सर्ग करने पर ऐसा अनुभव हुआ जैसे शरीर एकदम हल्का हो गया है और जमीन से ऊपर उठ रहा है । मेरा इससे पहले ध्यान का तो कुछ भी अनुभव था ही नहीं, परंतु इस तरह का अनुभव तो बहुत ही विस्मयकारी था । बाद में सभी के अनुभवों पर चर्चा करते हुए श्री केसी जैन साहब ने बताया कि अध्यात्म साधना केंद्र में प्रेक्षा ध्यान के शिविरों में ऐसे अनुभव यदा-कदा साधकों को हो जाते हैं और इसकी चर्चा आचार्य श्री महाप्रज्ञ जी ने भी अपने साहित्य में भी की है । यह गहरे कायोत्सर्गा की अवस्था होती है जब हम शरीर और चेतना की भिन्नता के अनुभव की ओर यात्रा करने लग जाते हैं । मेरे लिए यह अनुभव बहुत ही आह्लादकारी था । मेरे कान में भी काफी ब्लॉकेज था और उससे मुझे कठिनाई भी अनुभव हो रही थी । ध्यान में जब ऊर्जा का प्रयोग करवाया गया तो मुझे ऐसे लगने लगा कि जैसे वह ब्लॉकेज पिघल कर खुलने लगा है और मुझे कान में बहुत ही आराम भी अनुभव हुआ । अचानक से ऐसा लगा जैसे कान खुल गया और जो आवाजें तथा भारीपन था वह गायब हो गया है । इसी प्रकार श्वास की समस्या में भी मुझे बहुत आराम हुआ । मेरे लिए तो साधना केंद्र वरदान साबित हुआ क्योंकि जैसे मेरी सारी समस्याओं का समाधान हो गया जो काफी समय से मुझे परेशान कर रही थीं और जिनका कोई समाधान दिखाई नहीं दे रहा था। आसन, प्राणायाम, प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा, संतुलित और प्राकृतिक भोजन तथा प्रेक्षा ध्यान का यह सुंदर मिश्रण निश्चित रूप से बहुत ही प्रभाव कारी है । जो प्रयोग मुझे बताए गए हैं मैं उनका नियमित अभ्यास करता रहूंगा तथा समय-समय पर मैं साधना केंद्र में आता भी रहूंगा ।
-उत्कर्ष जैन (नाम परिवर्तित)
An Unmatched Experience of Meditation I am a resident of Gurugram but often visit Chhatarpur to pay my respects at the Ma Katyayani temple. Which is why while I had observed the Adhyatma Sadhna Kendra located close by but was only able to visit it for the first time today. Out of the blue, it came to my mind to visit the Kendra to learn more about the programs there and here I was. I entered the Kendra and upon enquiring at the reception, I was told that a meditation class was about to begin shortly in the Meditation Hall. There, Anupama ji expertly guided us through mantra meditation by reciting the 'Beej mantra' while focusing on the chakras. It was a very pleasant experience. After some time, Mr. K.C. Jain arrived with a few other practitioners. At first, he helped us slowly complete our earlier session and then, in simple words, explained the scientific correlation between our breath and overall health. The concise version was that the speed and rhythm of our breath act as a barometer, as well as the doctor, of our physical, mental and emotional health. The key to this regulation also lies with us. He also briefly introduced the process to us. Thereafter, the practice was started. Extremely simple. No complications of any kind. We were only required to sit in a pose we were most comfortable in for 10-12 minutes, close our eyes softly, calm the mind, and maintain a joyful posture. In the second stage, we were required to take deep, long breaths and exhale them while focusing our mind on this process. Then, after 2 or 3 minutes, we had to balance the breath, that is, the cycle of inhalation, holding, exhalation, and holding of the breath were all to be of equal duration. The entire concentration was to be on the breath. 31 repetitions of this cycle were to be completed, which would have taken some 8 to 10 minutes. Possibly, for the first 3-4 minutes I was aware of my surroundings but thereafter, I was as if lost in the depths of meditation. When I inhaled my breath and held it within, I experienced a wonderful feeling of relaxation and peace. There was possibly also a feeling of drowsiness at some point of time. For some time, I had no awareness of my physical body and my mind wanted to remain in that very state. I must have remained in that state for some 24-25 minutes. This was my very first experience of meditating so deeply within such a short amount of time and the experience of such peace, stability, and happiness was a unique one as well. What I liked best of all was when Mr. K.C. Jain informed us that this practice can be done anywhere, at any time, be it in the car, in a train, in a flight, before sleeping at night or even when one gets up between sleep. I most certainly would like to try this for myself to reap the benefits.
- Professor Shubhangi Gupta (Guru Gobind Singh University, Gurugram)
Adhyatma Sadhna Kendra - An Unforgetable Experience It was during the Delhi Chaturmas, I last visited Sadhna Kendra. It was with the inspiration of @Kailash Chandra Jain uncle, that finally I decided to have a stay there on my way to Rajasthan, yesterday. What I Experienced... Well, I would love to share...
The Campus - Generally we see that after chturmas, the upkeepment of the campus is least priority. It was an eye candy to enter the campus, well maintained, clean, greenery and Most Importantly Amazing House Keeping.
The Stay - The rooms most of us must have stayed are equivalent to standard business hotels, rather better. Clean Sheets, Blankets and sparkling washrooms.
The Spiritual Experience - This morning was a life changing one. The Meditation Session left me totally changed. That one session cleared out loads of garbage of thoughts from my mind. The Relaxation and Bliss can ONLY BE EXPERIENCED, I wish I could put them in words. Now I realize, why @Kailash Chandra Jain Uncle always insisted me to experience it - to believe it. The trainer later told me that it was just a begining. If the trailer is so amazing.. entire film gonna be so huge. How could I have missed the experience so long !! Naturopathy at Its Best - Human Body needs both mental and physical destressing. I then decided to postpone my departure and have an experience of the Centre too. Hygenic, Clean and Professional Therapists. The Doctoer did a basic check-up to see my body composition. Made a note of them and explained the therapist techniques to be followed. Freshly cleaned rooms, one need not see the certificates to see how well trained the staff is. Well Managed, Planned and Punctual.
The Food - Healthy, Hygenic and Sumpteous Breakfast. Smiling faces to treat you as if you are a family guest.
The People - Any organization or project is as good as its people. From the Guard at the enterance to the Sweeper, From the Manager to the Cashier, all were so Welcoming, Smiling and Caring. As a Terapanthi, its a matter of pride to have such an holistic center which takes care of our Mental and Physical Health as well as our Comfort and Happiness. We have it with us, still thousands of people like me must not have experienced it before. If you are reading my post, and have not visited Adhytma Sadhna Kendra before, please make sure you have a stay there for a couple of days and experience THE EXPERIENCE-Naveen Parakh National President (Terapanth Professional Forum)
मिला नवजीवन कैंसर के बाद
श्रीमती इंदू गुप्ता को 2014 में 45 वर्ष की आयु में जब यह पता चला कि उसे स्तन कैंसर है तो मानो उस पर ही नहीं पूरे परिवार के ऊपर वज्रपात हुआ । उसके अगले 15 महीनों में सर्जरी, 10 बार कीमोथैरेपी और 28 दिन तक रेडियोथैरेपी ने उसे शारीरिक रुप से अक्षम और मानसिक रूप से निराश बना दिया। एक तरफ परेशान पति और पुत्र और दूसरी ओर 10 मिनट भी काम न कर पाने की पीड़ा और जीवन से ऊब । ऐसे में इस दम्पति को शिविर के बारे में पता चला। इन्दु के मन में बिलकुल भी इच्छा नहीं थी, परंतु पति के आग्रह पर तैयार हो गई। जब शिविर में पहुंची तो 9 दिन से बुखार था, जो ठीक नहीं हो रहा था । दिन में 3-4 बार कौम्बीफ्लैम खाने पर भी शारीरिक पीड़ा से आराम नहीं मिल रहा था । डाक्टर ने इस शारीरिक अवस्था में शिविर में जाने के लिए एकदम मना कर दिया था। पैरों में टखने के पास वेरीकोज वेन्स फूलने लगी थी, वहां चमड़ी नीली पड़ने लगी थी और डाक्टर का कहना था कि इसे ठीक होने में डेढ़-दो साल लगेंगे या ऑपरेशन करना पड़ेगा । सर्जरी के कारण बायें हाथ में दर्द रहता था और इम्युनिटी सिस्टम बिलकुल कमजोर हो गया था, जिससे बार-बार बुखार आता था । शिविर के पहले 3 दिन असमंजस में गुजरे । सुबह 4:30 बजे उठना, रात को 9 बजे तक ध्यान, आसन प्राणायाम का अभ्यास, बहुत सादा खाना और नयी जीवन चर्या, सब कुछ नया और उबाऊ लग रहा था । पति का ढांढस बंधाना काम आया । चौथे दिन से जैसे चमत्कार होने लगा और पांचवे दिन के शाम तक तो मानो दुनिया ही बदल गयी । हाथ का दर्द तो याद ही नहीं कि कभी था भी । वैरीकोज वेन्स से झनझनाहट एकदम खत्म और चमड़ी का रंग एकदम साफ । बुखार न जाने कहां गायब हो गया । रोज 12-14 घण्टे बैठकर भी थकान का नामोनिशान नहीं । मन में पूरा विश्वास कि "अब मैं स्वस्थ हूँ और स्वस्थ रहूंगी।" चारों ओर जैसे प्रसन्नता ही प्रसन्नता। जून, 2015 में लिए गए स्वास्थ्य लाभ का आनंद आज भी कायम है ।-श्रीमती इंदू गुप्ता